Your Project, Our Classroom

Texas A&M University is proud to partner with sport organizations across the globe. With this alliance and investment, Texas A&M University can provide our Capstone Experience students with hands-on and practical experience. By working with our students, this real-world experience impacts their lives as leaders and future employees in the Sport Management field.

Hannah Ager, SPMT 2023

Hannah Ager

In the second summer session in 2022, I had the pleasure of attending Dr. Paul Batista’s Sport Business in Europe education abroad trip. It was a five-week-long trip to Germany and Austria, with opportunities for independent travel on our weekends when we did not have anything scheduled (our trip group chose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Dublin, Ireland). In these five weeks, I met some of my closest friends that I still talk to nearly every day. There were so many opportunities for us to explore what we wanted to on our own while still having the structure of the trip planned for us. Some of my favorite sites that we got to visit were FC Cologne’s stadium and FC Bayern Munich’s stadium. I have watched and kept up with these teams for a very long time and seeing these stadiums in person rather than on TV was exhilarating. Another one of the most influential sites we got to visit was the Dachau Concentration Camp located outside of Munich. I have learned about World War II and the Holocaust so much throughout the years at school and through movies. But nothing compares to walking through where these horrors actually happened. It was so eerie and incredibly sad. I was pretty much speechless the entire time I was there and left with a really gloomy feeling. I am really grateful that I got to see that in person because it is incredibly moving and shows the reality of what happened during that time. We also had the opportunity to listen to many different guest lectures throughout our trip that were all extremely interesting. My favorite lecture by far was Mr. Felix Boronczyk’s discussion about European soccer. Since I know a pretty good amount about the topic, what he was talking about all made sense to me and I found it really interesting.


Words of Wisdom

  • Studying abroad gives you a whole new perspective on how people in other countries live and it is really cool.
  • You will (hopefully) meet some of your closest friends on the trip.
  • Spending every moment of 5 weeks together leads to you bonding quickly with your group!
  • It is an experience you can't get back, there are so many opportunities for scholarships and financial aid for the trip. I would preach to anyone that they should find a way to go.